Additional Guidelines at Preston Road Community Centre
Updated: Dec 24, 2020
During COVID-19 restrictions:
We request only one handler per dog in the hall for the whole course
Family members are not permitted to attend in the hall (sorry we must limit numbers ☹)
Children are not permitted to attend
Social distancing must always be observed
Face coverings are to be worn in class. (If you are exempt from wearing please advise during the application process.)
Only one person is permitted to use the toilet facilities at a time
Attendees must follow the one-way system adopted by Preston Road Community Centre to enter and leave
Attendees should use the cleaning stations on entry and exit from the centre
Attendees requested not to arrive too early and to wait outside the centre until asked to come in
Participant's contact details will be retained for the government’s contact tracing scheme within our current GDPR policy
During the current COVID-19 restrictions we request proof of inoculations, microchip and ID Tag are emailed in advance of your course start date.
