Pet dog aquisition
Purchasing a puppy from a breeder VERSES Adoption-Rehoming
When acquiring a pet dog we are faced with a myriad of choices. Those choices are very important as they have a lasting impact on our social and work lives. You should seriously consider a number of impact factors if you wish to preserve day-to-day living standards and achieve social equilibrium as opposed to social dysfunction and chaos.
Choices come into categories from which there are endless individuals, especially if adoption is the consideration.
Male / Female
Rehoming / Adoption
The more decisions that are made prior to visiting perspective individuals the more likely you are to acquire the pet most likely to fit your lifestyle and living arrangements.
The first consideration is that of purchasing a puppy or adoption. There are positives and negatives to each.
You acquire the breed and sex of your choice
You start with a clean slate, any mistakes in training etc. are your own
If puppy testing is completed you should have a fair idea of the default character of the puppy. http://www.volhard.com/index.php This allows for the choosing of specific traits for working dogs and identifies traits that are not wanted in pet dogs, particularly when children and other animals are within the household.
The bonding process is quicker than with adoption
The breed most suitable for the family is acquired. (When viewing dogs at rehoming centres perspective owners tend to ‘fall for’ the cute dogs, letting their hearts rule their common sense.)
House training
Destructive behaviour during teething
Disruption to normal schedule (similar to having a child)
Puppy stage is usually passed, although there is no guarantee of house training or not chewing.
Usually of an age where training may be started immediately and there is a positive response.
‘What you see is what you get’ ……
Generic illness such as epilepsy may have already been identified.
Unknown behavioural problems.
Unknown origin and generic health issues.
Unknown history of social interaction.
Unwanted behaviour may have been conditioned which will require behaviour modification.
Other impact factors and considerations:
Amount of exercise required
Food costs
Veterinary costs
Equipment costs
Day care (if working full time)
Size of living accommodation
Garden area
Time available for the animal within work and social calendar
When introducing a dog into a family home where children are present, great care should be taken, particularly if adopting a dog over 12 weeks of age, large breed or a breed that has a propensity to guard and bite. Dogs that have been acquired through an adoption service where their history is unknown or uncorroborated may have a history of biting or chasing children, hence their rehoming.
It is recommended that all dogs are crate trained so as to provide a safe and secure environment for both the dog and family members.
It is also recommended that dogs that are not intended to be bred should be neutered. This not only negates the risk of unwanted pregnancy in female dogs but also reduces tendencies of territorial guarding and wondering in search of prospective sexual partners in males.
Please contact us for advice or assistance with regard to the acquisition of dogs.
Happy Dogs
A happy pet whether you buy a puppy or adopt a dog: points to remember
Vet checks
Behaviour in and out the home
Remember that a trained dog is a happy dog so persevere!
Join us and work on The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme to have a happy family pet.
The partnership between canines and humans is evidenced over thousands of years.
The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a canid which through selective breeding and training over thousands of years has conditioned various behaviours, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes that are now inherent to the species.
Their long association with people has allowed dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behaviour so that they now fulfil many assistance type roles in addition to one of companionship.
Whilst domestic dogs have long since integrated into human life style one should always be aware that they have retained natural drives such as, prey, pack and defence. Each drive has associated behavioural consequence that unless properly managed through behavioural conditioning may adversely affect the relationship.